How do I run a GO/NO GO test on my Vista 20P?
Before mounting any transmitters, a Go/No Go Test should be run.
It is a pass/fail test that ensures all wireless transmitters are properly sending transmission signals from their network position to the Vista 20P control panel. This gives you the option of relocating transmitters should the test reveal that sufficient signal amplitudes are not met.
1. Type your four-digit installer code into the alarm keypad, followed by the "#" sign and the "4" key. (In the case of multiple partitions, type in this code for every partition you wish to test.)
How to run a Go/No Go Test:
1. Type your four-digit installer code into the alarm keypad, followed by the "#" sign and the "4" key. (In the case of multiple partitions, type in this code for every partition you wish to test.)
2. Place transmitters in desired locations. (If using sensors, attach to the transmitter's screw terminals the estimated length of wire needed to make a transmitter/sensor connection.) Now fault each transmitter. For best results, make sure not to hold the transmitter in your hand while running the test.
3. Three keypad beeps indicate that the signal has been received, then zone numbers will be displayed. Congratulations! Your transmitters are working properly!
If the keypad doesn't beep, try relocating the transmitter just a few inches from its original position. If your panel still doesn't recognize the signal, you should find a new location for the transmitter or purchase a wireless repeater, like the 5800RP, to extend the signal range of the transmitter.
If the keypad doesn't beep, try relocating the transmitter just a few inches from its original position. If your panel still doesn't recognize the signal, you should find a new location for the transmitter or purchase a wireless repeater, like the 5800RP, to extend the signal range of the transmitter.
4. Enter your installer code plus the "OFF" button to exit the Go/No Go test mode.
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