Heat Detectors

Trigger an alarm due to the presence of heat instead of smoke using a heat detectors. Heat detectors are suitable for areas where smoke detectors can not be installed such as hazardous locations or environments with harsh operating environments due to fumes and dust. Heat detectors can respond to a fixed temperature or temperature rising at a specific rate. They do not respond to smoke and designed to protect property rather than life. We carry a variety of fixed temperature and rise of temperature (ROR) heat detectors that are either conventional or addressable. An addressable heat detector like the Silent Knight SD505-AHS addressable thermal heat sensors help control panels pinpoint the location of an alarm by using a specific address. At JMAC supply, we stock many models of thermal heat detectors by top brands like System Sensor, Simplex, Fire-Lite and Edwards. Browse our collection and get in touch with our support specialists at 516-812-0917.

Pinpoint the location of a heat alarm using addressable heat detectors. Addressable heat detectors use a specific address ID and are connected to a centralized control panel. These types of heat detectors make it easier for the control panel to determine the location that the heat detector was set off. Thermal heat sensors with a unique number are considered addressable heat detectors. At JMAC Supply, you can find an extensive selection of addressable heat detectors for your addressable alarm system by Honeywell Fire Systems, System Sensor, Fire-Lite, Silent Knight and more. Because each project has custom needs and requirements, our technical specialists can help you make the right product choice. Dial 516-812-0917 to contact us today.

Browse through our selection of conventional heat detectors. These devices are suitable for conventional fire alarm systems. All alarms will be triggered if one of the conventional heat detectors responds to a fire due to the presence of heat in conventional fire alarm system. This is useful for small areas where the location of the activation is not necessary and any indication of fire is priority to ensure the safety of property damage. At JMAC supply, we stock many models of fire-rated conventional heat detectors by System Sensors, UTC, Edwards and more.
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