How do I install the Honeywell GSMV4G and get it to work with my Vista 20P Control Panel?
First, you will need to purchase some four conductor and two conductor wire (preferably 18 or 22 gauge) from your local hardware store. The wire is not included with the GSMV4G and is required for installation.
GSMV4G terminal 3 to Vista terminal 5.
Once you have the wire, open the plastic enclosure using the plastics tabs on the bottom of the GSMV4G. Now it's time to connect GSMV4G terminals 3-6 to Vista 20P terminals 4-7 with the four conductor wire.
GSMV4G terminal 3 to Vista terminal 5.
GSMV4G terminal 4 to Vista terminal 4.
GSMV4G terminal 5 to Vista terminal 7.
GSMV4G terminal 6 to Vista terminal 6.
You'll find that certain alarm sensors, keypads, and wireless receivers use Vista 20P's 4-7 terminals for contact. You can get around this by connecting other communicator wires in parallel, under their respective terminals.
The next step is to get AC transformer power to your GSMV4G. One option is to plug an AC transformer into a wall socket and connect two conductor wires from the transformer screw terminals to GSMV4G terminals 1 and 2.
The second option is to use the GSMV4G 16.5 VAC 40VA transformer in place of the Vista 20P transformer. Do this by connecting GSMV4G terminals 1 and 2 with terminals 1 and 2 on your Vista 20P. Unlike the first configuration, this uses only one transformer instead of two, and is more space efficient because it takes up only one power outlet.
When your GSMV4G has power, be sure to connect the emergency backup battery to the charging circuit. This way your system will continue to communicate to central station even after a blackout.
Finally, close the GSMV4G enclosure. Failing to do so could register a long-range radio problem in the form of a "bF" or "103" alert.
Follow these steps and presto! -- Your GSMV4G is installed.
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