Can the L5100 LYNX Touch support dual-path monitoring?

Yes, the L5100 LYNX Touch can support dual-path monitoring.

Prior LYNX models, like the L3000 PLUS and the L5000, didn't allow users to access dual-path monitoring, but with the L5100, that all has changed. Now users can access the speed and power of an internet communicator and the reliability of a cellular communicator. This gives users what amounts to two additional lines of communication with their central station, besides their traditional telephone dialer. Whenever there is lapse in internet communication, whether that derives from a power outage or temporary flaw in the network, the cellular communicator will continue sending alarm signals to central station, making sure your home is always protected.

The L5100 houses its internet communicator (L5100-WiFi) and cellular communicator (GSMVLP5-4G) inside the panel, which gives users dual-path communication without turning the sleek L5100 into an eyesore. On a side note, if users pair the ILP5 internet communicator with the L5100, they will not be able to add a cellular communicator. Only the L5100 WiFi internet Communicator allows for dual-path communication.

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