How do I find the MAC address and CRC on my 7847i internet communicator?

The MAC and CRC numbers can be found on the 7847i's box.

The twelve-digit number starting with 00-D0-2d... is your MAC address. The CRC number should be printed there as well, which is an alphanumeric 4-digit sequence. If you misplaced the box, threw it away, or simply can't locate these numbers on the box, they can also be found on the 7847i device. Pop off the cover to the 7847i and the MAC and CRC numbers should be printed on a sticker located directly on the circuit board.

Why you need these numbers...
After purchasing the 7847i,
you have to activate the communicator in order for it to work with Honeywell's Total Connect service. These numbers are required for activation.

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