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Toxic gases may sound nasty, but that's only because they are. Breathing in toxic gas with a concentration of 200 ppm, like nitrogen oxide (commonly found in diesel exhaust) can cause death within one hour. This is serious stuff we're talking about here. And serious stuff calls for serious measures. That's where a toxic gas detector comes in. Able to monitor and maintain low-levels of toxic gas in the air, this detector will help make your parking garage, warehouse, or commercial building a safer place to breath. Whether you're looking to install in a large, commercial or residential location, we have the perfect product to fit your environment. So stop worrying. We've got you covered.

Macurco's line of Toxic Gas Detectors also feature combination Nitrogen Dioxide and Hydrogren Gas detectors that can detect both of the deadly gasses as well as amonia. These detectors also include versions that are stand-alone as well as versions designed to be tied into a system for optimal monitoring and performance.