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What are the benefits of installing the Honeywell GSMV4G on my Vista-20P?

By Petra Paulson Installing the GSMV4G is great way to give your security system the added back-up of a cellular communication line to your central monitoring station.   If your copper land-line

What's the difference between a 2g and 4g system?

By Petra Paulson 2G security systems are typically older and will stop working on a specific date. Most recent systems use 4G communicators, and they will work in perpetuity. All of Honeywell's cellu

Will the IGSMV Communicator work with Total Connect 2.0?

By Petra Paulson The IGSMV will work with Total Connect 2.0 if it has the proper revision software AND the control panel has the proper revision software. An IGSMV with a revision of 2.6.42 or higher