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How do I install a new, Casil CA1240 backup battery onto my alarm control panel?

Last Updated: 11/25/2013

When a low battery indicator appears on your alarm control panel, then it's time to replace your old battery with a new, Alarm Backup Battery.

As far as reliability, lifespan, and performance go, the Casil CA1240 SLA Alarm Battery is a great choice, especially for Vista Security Panels. Once you have your new Casil battery...

1. Disarm your control panel.
2. Disconnect the dead or dying backup battery from the black and red terminal leads. Dispose of the the old battery in accordance with proper disposal standards and procedures for your state.
3. Connect the wire leads to the tab terminals on your new Casil Battery. Be sure to match the black lead to the black terminal and the red lead to the red terminal.

Now that your new battery is connected, your low battery indicator should clear away on its own.

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